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We are at a time where co-intelligence, teaching and working with generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), is intricately part of higher education. The Institute for Teaching, Innovation, and Inclusive Pedagogy is exploring the potential of these technologies and working to understand their limitations in learning environments. We invite 10 instructors (tenure-track or non-tenure-track teaching faculty) across disciplines and schools to serve as inaugural Co-Intelligence Exploration Teaching Fellows and develop course activities that demonstrate how co-intelligence can advance student learning. This fellowship consists of the components described below. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and close Sunday, November 3, 2024 for the October 2024 – May 2025 cohort. This fellowship also fulfills competencies 1 – 5 of the Teaching and GenAI Pathway


All proposed course activities should have well-defined learning outcomes and integrate a specific GenAI tool (e.g. ChatGPT) through AI-infused learning. Fellows should keep in mind the following when developing their proposal for submission prior to November 3rd: 

  • Student learning remains a primary focus;  
  • To promote equity in access to tools, the GenAI technology is currently free/open source to any Rutgers University student and instructor;  
  • An alternative is proposed if the tool is not available, or for other reasons cannot be used;  
  • The adaptability of the activity for other courses and disciplines; and  
  • Having a conversation with a department chair or program director and obtaining their endorsement. The department chair or program director should email specifying the name of the applicant and indicating their endorsement of the application. A formal letter is not required. Applications will be reviewed when the endorsement is received.  

Exploration Phase

Fellows explore the tool’s potential and develop an activity where it is implemented within a course context to enhance student learning. Fellows engage in regular, 1-hour virtual feedback meetings, roughly monthly, with TIIP and other innovation fellows to refine the activity.  

Dissemination Phase

Fellows present the activity to the Rutgers community, venues to be confirmed later. Fellows also write an overview of the course activity (2-3 pages) that can be shared with other instructors on the TIIP website. The writeup should include the following: learning outcomes(s), a description of the GenAI tool and how to access it (e.g. URL), a detailed description of the learning activity, an alternative if the tool is not used, any limitations of the tool with regards to student learning and ethical and environmental implications, initial instructor reflections or observations when implemented, and how the activity can be adapted to other courses and contexts. This phase must be completed no later than the end of May 2025.  

Fellows will receive $2000 in their instructor departmental research accounts upon full completion of the program.  

Proposal Evaluation Criteria 

  • Contains well-defined learning outcomes  
  • Integrates a GenAI tool that is openly available 
  • Has high potential to enhance student learning 
  • Has potential application beyond the proposed course and across disciplines 

Apply Here