Aligned with our core value of scholarship, TIIP team members actively conduct research on teaching and engage in other scholarly work. We also provide guidance to instructors engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Our Scholarly Areas
Teaching practices and their relationships with student outcomes
We explore how instructional approaches can influence various outcomes such as student learning and sense of belonging. Our research provides insights into teaching that promotes the success of students of all backgrounds.
The role of student voice in teaching and learning environments
We examine how co-creation with students and student perspectives can support effective teaching.
Observation and reflection on teaching
We explore how formative feedback on teaching can support instructor reflection and empower them to facilitate transformative course environments and achieve their teaching goals.
Innovations in teaching
We investigate how the usage of digital technologies and other innovations for pedagogical purposes can influence student outcomes.
Scholarship of educational development
We actively contribute to the field of educational development in our scholarly endeavors.