Open Educational Resources: Essential Tools of Inclusivity and Equity
March 27 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
For many students, the cost of textbooks can be prohibitive. One way textbook costs can be minimized is through the adoption of freely-available Open Educational Resources (OERs). The Rutgers Libraries Open and Affordable Textbook program (OAT) awards research funds to Rutgers faculty who make their courses more affordable for students by using open educational resources (OER), library content, or other types of low-cost materials. This program will provide an overview of the growth of OERs, and the ways in which the Rutgers Libraries’ OAT program enhances inclusivity and equity for students in the crucial area of coursework materials.This workshop will be facilitated by University Libraries as part of University Equity and Inclusion’s Classroom Inclusivity Series (Fulfills Competency 3).